Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Scariest article I have read in a while

I thought it was only me and Crescent City, but apparently, the whole nation is experiencing heart-wrenching decisions on a weekly, if not daily, basis. The article was "Welcome to the Frozen Economy" by Shoshana Zuboff. It is in this week's Business Week. Crescent City is facing the same decisions.

Many people have come into the library looking for jobs, but even more have come in hoping to find housing. I point them them towards the resources we have: the job board and the local listings online. But I never really know how most stories turn out. They are usually looking for housing at prices that do not exist. Or for the job that pays what they need to survive on. I am n0t sure they always find it.

Prices cause even people with "good" jobs to make decisions they would not have considered several years ago. If this does not describe your life, then count your blessings and save your pennies.

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