Thursday, September 11, 2008


I am most struck when two events or ideas come to me at the same time. It is the intersection of the two things which I don't usually connect together that triggers a memory and interest response in my mind.
I have been putting some things together for our upcoming Constitution Day display when I read a government employee blog about September 11. I have heard several people today contemplate where they were 7 years ago when New York City was attacked and the whole of the United States stood in horrified silence. The necessity of a 220 year old document designed to establish a just government is even more evident to me now.
The atrocities our country experienced on that day should not have happened. But the reaction of the people and the government to such an event must always be legal and cause less pain, not more.
As Election Day approaches, I encourage you to vote your conscience and hope for a peaceful American future, whichever candidates you choose.

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