Tuesday, January 3, 2012

History and nonfiction

New Year and we have some great new books to entice you with.

Steward's Fork deals with the natural history (and a little human history) of the entire Klamath region. Our little river just 20 miles south reaches far up through California and up into Oregon.

The Joy of Geocaching explains and advertizes the world's fastest growing treasure hunt. If you have a GPS, you can fins "caches" all across the world and use the internet to track them, leave messages and trinkets for others and create your own cache.

The Faith Instinct: How religion Evolved and Why it Endures seeks to understand religion and its changing permanence. It does not seek to attack or defend religion, instead, it seeks to understand it.

Death in Salem is a combination of 64 biographies of peopleburned at the stake as witches in Salem, Massachusetts. Started as the notes accompanying a novel, it has taken on a life of its own and is a valuable book for anyone researching this dark time in American History.

Finally, Why Machiavelli Matters: a Guide to Citizenship in a Democracy, is part biography and part critical essay. If you have ever been assigned the Prince and wondered why, this book for you.

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