Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sad story about wolves

I have a soft spot for wolves and it has nothing to do with any movies about to come out. One of my high school friends was the son of a wolf researcher on a remote island near our town. They are beautiful and mostly mysterious creatures whose life cycles are connected with large mammals like moose and deer. In May they were taken off the endangered species list. Research following the wolves has cost the National Science Foundations thousands of dollars.

September started wolf hunting season in Montana. A few weeks later, 6 wolves, including two with radio collars for researchers, were killed just a mile from the borders of yellowstone. The 5 years of research done on the alpha female now dead has come to an end. I think it is a shame. I know hunters are glad for a chance to legally hunt the animal of their choice, but I feel bad for the scientists whose hard work will have to be cut short.

For more on this, you can read the Science article here.

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