Friday, February 20, 2009

Short week

Well, it has been a short week here on campus. I think a lot of people thought yesterday was the last day of the week. The library has several hour chunks with just a few people here. But Fridays are even more relaxed.

Unless you have an assignment due. Then the stress kicks in and the fact that all the computers were open for our hour yesterday means nothing if you can't get on one right now and where is your pencil and how can I type with this thing on my finger and.......

Are you experiencing this kind of stress?

It may surprise you that not all stress is bad. Stress is what motivates us to get up and do something different. It has kept us alive through many generations and will continue to do so if we use it productively. To start with, read this newsweek article about the benefits of stress. Take a deep breath and get going on your assignment.

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